We have passed annual certification from WebTrust, to ensure your donations and personal information are secure. We do not store your data and we will never share your information with any 3rd party.
TW2025FINALSponsorPack (pdf)
DownloadTidewater Winds survives by being fiscally responsible with grant funding and donations from everyday people. Help maintain the legacy of Tidewater Winds by clicking the button below and closing a meaningful contribution to support quality music in our schools and communities.
There's much to do here at Tidewater Winds. It takes a small village to orchestrate our efforts. We would love to have your talents and skills to help embellish our projects! Join our efforts!
Tidewater Winds cuts costs where we can to make free accessible concerts possible. Do you have a spacious place where we can rehearse? Why not open your doors and host a rehearsal? We'd love to practice in your home or office!
Tidewater Winds honors and respects our country and our military. Honor a Veteran, Military Member or Military Family with a picture of them, placed on our Honor Wall webpage. We will post the picture on our Honor Wall.
R.i.M.E. is our "Reading in Music Education" initiative for 3rd-grade students available to all local school districts. Help 1,000 students receive our Tidewater Winds Pinocchio book and attend the student matinee for $5,000.
Sign up your child / student to become a junior patron. A $100 donation allows your child backstage pre-concert access. They can meet the Maestro, guest artists and experience the warm-up before an event. paypal.com/us/fundraiser/charity/1771421
Your donation of $250 supports an intern for the summer program. You'll provide their Master Classes, private lessons and mentorship. You'll also receive a closing letter from your student.
Your donation of any number of books helps us reduce our costs to the schools for our Reading in Music Education Program. At only $4 per book, every child can read the story, work the lessons before hearing the full Pinocchio Concert on stage with the Winds.
Your donation of $200 will support a high school student band program receive a Tidewater Winds clinician for deeper instruction on instrumentation and musical direction. Our visiting instructors provide the highest level of training and support.
Your donation of $50 will offer a Kroc Center after school student the chance to play an instrument with a Tidewater Winds instructor. Help a student grow with music.
Your donation of $2500 helps provide our Cupid Swings, (our Valentine's Day Concert) with guest Vocalist, Annamarie Smith-Butz at Family Fun Xperience Theatre in Virginia Beach! Help us spread the love!
Sponsor a full Concert Band Performance with 65 musicians and the great Maestro John Brewington. One of our biggest expenses is also the most beloved ensemble and the reason we exist in the first place. Make these professional concerts available.
Put your name on a Little Big Band Concert and jazz it up with the Little Big Band Sponsorship. How do you fit Tidewater Winds in a brewery? Sponsor the Little Big Band and enjoy a fun night out with us!
Your donation of $2500 helps pay the rental fees for most of our venues. Sandler Center, Regent Chapel, Churches and Schools all have to charge to keep their doors open. With rising rental fees due to cleaning supplies, lights and air conditioning, we need your help to pay our hosts for their facilities.
It takes power to move our equipment from storage to concert halls and we need a truck. The cost of truck rentals and gas has risen. Your gift of $2,000 will cover a portion of the summer truck rentals. Or perhaps you want to donate a truck or trailer? Please help.
Help compensate our professional crew. They load the trucks at storage, unload it at the concert hall, get the percussion on stage, set up chairs, music stands, podium, conductors stand, and check every detail onstage. They arrive first, and they leave last. Your donation supports this valuable, hard-working team.
Small businesses are the backbone of our support. You can be a part of helping Tidewater Winds provide free concerts with financial support, or donations from unused office supplies, furniture, chairs etc..Offer a meeting space for our Board or donate an item for our Silent Auction or Golf Tournament. Any offer will be greatly appreciated! 757-480-0953
Do you or someone you know work for a major corporation? Ask them to donate through Benevity and see if their company will match your donation! Just look up Tidewater Winds in Benevity.
Receive naming rights to one of the summer concert weeks, or sponsor the entire summer programming.. Your company receives VIP access to our pre-concert lectures, website banner and program acknowledgements. Reach over 6,000 audience members each summer.
All Sponsors receive recognition on our website, social media pages, program guides, and from the stage.
Talk to your family about planning the future. Continue to support Tidewater Winds long after your time. Join the few who leave a bequest to support our programming and education projects. Your gift can provide smiles and joy for others who can only experience free concerts. Talk to your financial advisor today. Contact us at 757-480-0953
Is your boat going unused? Is your vacation home in need of vacationers? Aren't going to use those plane tickets to New York? Donate almost any item to Tidewater Winds' Silent Auction! From jewelry to children's books, We will collect items year-round to provide quality pieces for our Silent Auction Holiday fundraiser. You can arrange for an item pick up at 757-480-0953
Participate in our annual golf tournament as a player or with a team. Golf for music education and free summer concerts. Many prizes and fun events throughout the day! Join us now! Play with us! 757-480-0953
Use your Kroger discount card as a fundraising
tool. Sign up at kroger.com and every time
you buy groceries, Kroger sends a percentage
of your purchase back to the Winds.
Use your buying power and designate the
Winds as your charity... a percentage of your purchase supports programming with
the Winds.
If you are a seller on Ebay, add Tidewater Winds as your charity of choice and support through your sales and purchases, we appreciate your eBay donations!
Find us at ...
Qualified Charitable Distributions or QCDs, offer eligible older Americans a great way to give to charity before the end of the year easily. And, for those at least 73 years old, QCDs count toward the IRA owner's required minimum distribution (RMD) for the year.
Any IRA owner who wishes to make a QCD for 2023 should contact their IRA trustee soon so the trustee will have time to complete the transaction before the end of the year.
Normally, distributions from a traditional IRA are taxable when received. With a QCD, however, these distributions become tax-free as long as they're paid directly from the IRA to an eligible charitable organization.
QCDs must be made directly by the trustee of the IRA to the charity. An IRA distribution, such as an electronic payment made directly to the IRA owner, does not count as a QCD. Likewise, a check payable to the IRA owner is not a QCD.
Each year, an IRA owner age 70½ or over when the distribution is made can exclude from gross income up to $100,000 of these QCDs. For a married couple, if both spouses are age 70½ or over when the distributions are made and both have IRAs, each spouse can exclude up to $100,000 for a total of up to $200,000 per year.
The QCD option is available regardless of whether an eligible IRA owner itemizes deductions on Schedule A. Transferred amounts are not taxable, and no deduction is available for the transfer.
A 2023 QCD must be reported on the 2023 federal income tax return, normally filed during the 2024 tax filing season.
Like other IRA distributions, QCDs are reported on Line 4 of Form 1040 or Form 1040-SR. If part or all of an IRA distribution is a QCD, enter the total amount of the IRA distribution on Line 4a. This is the amount shown in Box 1 on Form 1099-R.
Then, if the full amount of the distribution is a QCD, enter 0 on Line 4b. If only part of it is a QCD, the remaining taxable portion is normally entered on Line 4b.
Either way, be sure to enter "QCD" next to Line 4b. Further details will be in the instructions to the 2023 Form 1040.
QCDs are not deductible as charitable contributions on Schedule A. But, as with deductible contributions, the donor must get a written acknowledgment of their contribution from the charitable organization before filing their return.
In general, the acknowledgment must state the date and amount of the contribution and indicate whether the donor received anything of value in return. For details, see the Acknowledgement section in Publication 526, Charitable Contributions.
For more information about IRA distributions and QCDs, see Publication 590-B, Distributions from Individual Retirement Arrangements (IRAs).
Summer ads due June 5th
Holiday ads due November 5th
Full Back Ad (4.5 x 7.5) (1 spot) $500
Half Page Ad (4.5 x 3.75) $250
Quarter Page Ad (2.25 x 3.75) $100
Business Card Ad $50
Many local arts supporters remember Sid Berg as the founder of our organization. He built a legacy that continues to thrive and grow in the Hampton Roads Community. Make a memorial donation to support the work he began in 1985.
The Hampton Roads arts community lost a champion when Marty Einhorn passed in 2021. A successful businessman and former President of our Board, he will forever be known as a just, honest and confident leader. Our student Mentor Program is rightfully named in his memory.
We remember Marty Brown fondly as the Business Manager and bookkeeper for Tidewater Winds. Her absence has been felt by so many among us. Please remember her by making a donation to the Marty Brown Memorial Fund to continue the support she provided to our Tidewater Winds community. paypal.com/us/fundraiser/charity/1771421
Tidewater Winds Annual Golf Tournament
May 7, 2025
8 AM
Our 40th Anniversary Golf Tournament supports our Literacy and Music Education programs across Hampton Roads! Join us and support a powerful cause!