Tidewater Winds Student Intern Program is a regionally acclaimed educational program, designed to enhance band and orchestra students' knowledge and training in music performance and arts administration. Students are auditioned from regional high school districts and colleges. Between 15 and 25 students are selected to participate and perform with our professional musicians through the summer intensive. Students also receive private lessons, Master Classes, guest artist lecture series, and resume and career support. The program is entirely funded by donors who sponsor a student and encourage their development.
Limited positions are available as part of our summer music internship program. Students audition for up to 25 spots. Those selected will perform 4-weeks of music in July and August, side-by-side with our professional musicians during our free summer concert series. Each student receives a stipend for their time and will serve as an ambassador to their home city while representing Tidewater Winds. Included as part of the training program are…
Master Classes
Private Lesson Vouchers
Mentorship Program
Guest Speaker Series
Ensemble Training
Career Planning
Auditions to be held this spring on Sunday, May 18, 2025
1 PM
Norfolk Collegiate Band Room, Norfolk, VA
The audition repertoire is on our website…
Sponsor an Intern
You can support the student intern with a sponsorship of $250 to help cover the costs involved with student stipends, music preparation, guest lecturers, private instruction and career planning. There are changes to the sponsorship program. In order to help protect the students and our donors, general letters of introduction will be provided by students at the beginning of the program, and a letter of gratitude will be sent at the end of the program through the Tidewater Winds management team. Personal emails and addresses will not be shared.
Middle and High School band support is provided by our small ensembles and lead music educators.
Winds musicians are trained to conduct a variety of Master Classes for school and community bands.
Tidewater Winds' R.i.M.E Project, or Reading in Music Education Project, is an original Tidewater Winds program designed by Maestro John Brewington and Winds staff that combines education support for literacy with music appreciation. Students in 3rd and 4th grades, experience in-classroom lessons on a story that will later be performed by Tidewater Winds and their arts partners in matinee concerts. During the in-school lessons, docent musicians support the classroom teacher with examples of theme and variation and the emotional impact of music. The matinee concerts are performed with the full Concert Band at Sandler Center. Literacy and music stations adorn the lobby for student interaction before the concert. A comprehensive Library initiative shares the classroom learning project with homeschool students and the community at large. Partners on this project include local arts commissions, local school districts, Sandler Center, and Rainbow Pupets. RIME performs the story of Pinocchio and is accompanied by our own published book and lesson plans provided for each student at our schools.
Tidewater Winds' R.i.M.E Project, or Reading in Music Education Project, is an original Tidewater Winds program designed by Maestro John Brewington and Winds staff that combines education support for literacy with music appreciation. The Little Prince, set to music by Tidewater Winds, was authored by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. It supports 7th-grade literacy and provides in-classroom lessons on the famous book that will later be performed by Tidewater Winds in a matinee. "The Little Prince" follows a pilot stranded in the Sahara Desert who encounters a young prince from a small asteroid. The prince tells him about his travels, his home planet with a rose, and the strange adults he met before arriving on Earth, ultimately teaching the pilot valuable lessons about love, friendship, and perspective.
TWEED: Tidewater Winds Enriching Education Direction
The objective of TWEED program is to:
1. Provide 2 Band Clinicians to support assessment preparations
2. Offer a mock assessment to calm student's nerves
3. Teach ensemble connection and techniques
4. Provide individual student support and goals
5. Offer new student instrument exploration sessions for school band recruiting
6. Develops strong partnerships with School District Music Programs
Tidewater Winds is proud to be a musical support to the Academy of Music "Band Together" Program. Band-Together is a pilot program that provides instrumental music instruction for individuals with and without disabilities on traditional band instruments (flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, percussion.) Taught by Ms. Karen Jackson and Ms. Beckie Jones, both veteran band teachers with experience with people with disabilities, the program offers individual or small group lessons and a weekly evening ensemble rehearsal starting in September, 2021.
The objectives of the Band-Together pilot program are to:
1. Provide high level of instrumental music instruction, individuals, all abilities.
2. Give individuals with disabilities the opportunity to learn a band instrument.
3. Teach group cooperation, team work and ensemble playing skills.
4. Bring community together to enjoy music, in a supporting experience.
At Tidewater Winds, we have a deep love for integrating music and core curriculum for all ages. We have found that teaching reading comprehension through music appreciation is a powerful way to approach literacy learning. Reading in Music Education is an amazing tool to enhance students' literacy gains.
"Today a reader, tomorrow a leader." – Margaret Fuller
Education Administrators can learn more by calling 757-480-0953
i. “Tidewater Winds presented a quality student musical performance of Pinocchio.”
1. 100% of Respondents Strongly Agreed
ii. “Rainbow Puppet Productions presented an entertaining and engaging performance of Pinocchio for students.”
1. 100% of Respondents Strongly Agreed
iii. “The Pinocchio concert supported social-emotional learning opportunities for students by connecting the concepts of decision-making and cause-and-effect outcomes to the story.”
1. 71% of Respondents Strongly Agreed
2. 29% of Respondents Agreed
iv. “The Pinocchio Concerts' addition of music and theatrical puppets supported student learning, including reading comprehension, by moving the story from the page to the stage.”
1. 86% of Respondents Strongly Agreed
2. 14% of Respondents Agreed
v. “Students receiving their own copy of the Pinocchio book supports promoting a love for reading and is a valuable part of their learning experience.”
1. 100% of Respondents Strongly Agreed
vi. “The Teacher Resource guide is a well-constructed and valuable tool for preparing students for the matinee.”
1. 86% of Respondents Strongly Agreed
2. 14% of Respondents Agreed
vii. “The Tidewater Winds' RiME Project supports student literacy learning and musical appreciation.”
1. 100% of Respondents Strongly Agreed
viii. “Arts-in-education opportunities, like Pinocchio, provide valuable cross-curricular learning opportunities for promoting the importance of reading and social-emotional growth while making real-world connections.”
1. 86% of Respondents Strongly Agreed
2. 14% of Respondents Agreed
ix. “I would like to see future RiME concerts from Tidewater Winds available with added reading themes such as The Little Prince, Red Riding Hood, or Arabian Knights.”
1. 86% of Respondents Strongly Agreed
2. 14% of Respondents Agreed
b. Is there something from the Pinocchio experience you would like to share personally or from a student?
i. The students were truly mesmerized! Many of them have never seen puppets in action like this. It really challenged their imaginations and opened up great conversations after the performance!
ii. The laughter I heard from my students when watching a non-tech based performance really warmed my heart. The kids loved it!
iii. My students loved the entire performance!
c. Additional comments about the performance?
i. Great speaker to go along with great music!
d. Additional comments about the teacher resource materials?
i. Loved pre-reading the book before the play, as some students had never heard of Pinocchio before
e. Additional Comments
i. Thank you for such a well organized and engaging field trip!
ii. It was just wonderful! Thank you to everyone who made this possible!
iii. I'm hoping that more students will have the opportunity to see musicals, winds performances, plays in the future. I remember it being one of my favorite activities in elementary school- to see performances on stage.
2. Feedback Submitted via Email
a. From Elementary School A:
i. More feedback from today’s 3rd grade class, Students LOVED:
1. Seeing band instruments “live and in action”
2. Hearing Captain America first
3. The puppet stage “rising up out of nowhere” lol
4. When Pinocchio came on stage as a real boy
5. How the music really matched the telling of the story and made it more exciting
6. How the puppeteers made Pinocchio’s nose grow
7. They specifically enjoyed where we were sitting to be able to see both the band AND the puppet show. Students wondered if some schools could not see the band, too, because “they really missed out on that part if they couldn’t.”
b. From Elementary School Music Teacher:
i. BRAVO! BRAVO! Thank you, John, Tidewater Winds, and Rainbow Puppets!
My students were mesmerized by the performance today. They LOVED it and so did the teachers!
Perilous Predicaments of Pinocchio Teacher Guide Revised SOLs 2024 (pdf)
DownloadStudent Intern-DonorForm (pdf)
DownloadAdopt An Intern Letter (docx)
DownloadTidewater Winds Education Flyer (docx)
DownloadTidewater Winds Education (pdf)
DownloadSchool Flier (docx)
DownloadTidewater Winds Concert Band (docx)
DownloadTW Pinocchio School Flyer 2023 (pdf)
DownloadTW RiME Project Overview (docx)
DownloadPinocchio Learning Objectives (docx)
DownloadWord Search Worksheet-Concert Band (pdf)
DownloadWord Search Worksheet Pinocchio (pdf)
DownloadTidewater Winds Annual Golf Tournament
May 7, 2025
8 AM
Our 40th Anniversary Golf Tournament supports our Literacy and Music Education programs across Hampton Roads! Join us and support a powerful cause!